ExpeNews Testing Expedition


may 24

First Page Ad - Better than Pay Per Click

Publicado a las 18:25
Despacho creado desde email

If you are using Google AdWords or other pay per click advertising, you probably know that in order to be listed on top of search engine
you need to bid highest price per click than your competitors, and you need to pay each time someone clicks on your link on paid search results.
In most cases this is too hard and too expensive for most of people, so we developed less expensive and more simple solution.

In few words, Our Banner Technology will put your website above all your competitors without Pay Per Click Charges, and you
will not have competitors on keywords that you choose during whole year, and if you decide to continue, you'll have first right now renewal.

We guarantee you traffic for your keyword and Prime Positioning during whole year.

Watch our demonstration video in order to get more info about our technology:

Or see our online demo:
- Go to our websites Online Demo
- Type keyword that you need and your website http://www.expenews.com in online demo form
- Click on Go and you'll see how it will look like

For a personal demonstration and pricing, fill out our online quote form, or call us today.

Best Regards,


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